For over a year, 2022 – 2023, I was in contact almost daily with around thirty Ukrainians: friends, ordinary citizens, military volunteers, soldiers. We exchanged messages, news and resources. People documented their own lives in different circumstances: fleeing, returning, and living under the occupation.
Archive: In photos, the survivors were sending to me, they represented themselves and the war. They resolved the problem of irrepresentability of war in their own ways, verbally and photographically. My aim was to communicate to people, understand their language, gaze, subject choices and storytelling and compile their photos in an archive.
Chronological presentation: To preserve the archive’s integrity, I present the individual photos in a cluster next to another person’s photos that respond to the same event (e.g. bombing, blackout, loneliness, liberation, new year’s celebration, etc.) or express a similar sentiment. This collective diary is arranged chronologically, month after month, sometimes accompanied by messages. I leave it ambiguous which messages refer to which photos.
War photography: I treat these mobile phone photos of the survivors who have experienced or seen war crimes against peace as testimonies. Or would these photos not be able to serve as such? Is this area reserved for war reporters? Who can adequately document war and its destruction? And who is granted permission to compile these testimonies into an archive?
Collaborators: Juliia Poplavska (Luhansk/Odesa), Natalija Moissejenko (Saporischschja region), Lejla Dawydowa (Donezk/Kyiv), Ira Filtschakowa (Sjewjerodonezk), Sonja Filtschakowa (Sjewjerodonezk), Valerija Orschychovska (Kyiv), Rabbi Alisa Silbersteyn (Toronto), Jenja Danylenko (Kyiv), Olha Schurova (Kyiv), Alina Lasarewska (Charkiw), Diana Kolesnykowa (Sjewjerodonezk), Anna Hontscharenko (Luhansk), Jewhenija Kedrowska (Kyiv), Eduard Skoryk (Bachmut), Aleks Chojai (Kyiv), Oksana Potapova (Starobilsk), Jewhen Dubowikow (Sjewjerodonezk), Olexandra Pohorjela (Donezk/Kyiv), Katja Mischtschenko (Poltawa/Kyiv), Mischa Hluschtschenko (Kyiv), Serhij Hrytschenjuk, Tetjana Djatschkowa (Sjewjerodonezk), Maryna Skrypnikowa (Nowa Kachowka), Danylo E. (Mykolajiv), Kristina Galchuk (Chernivtsi), Danylo K. (Kyiv), Natalija Tymofijenko (Biljajivka, Odesa region), Julja Frolova (Gorlivka), Olexander Djadtschenko (Kyiv), Olexander (Dnipro), Ira (Mariupol), Ljuba N. (Luhansk), Olha, Laryssa (Rowenky), Tetjana L. (Kramatorsk), Inna G. (Charkiw), Switlana (Pokrowsk), Jewhen, Dmytro, Eleonora (Luhansk) and others.
This project is presented in the volume “Collaboration: A Potential History of Photography” edited by Ariella Azoulay, Wendy Ewald, Susan Meiselas and others, 2023.⧉